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Published: 29-Oct-12
Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure
When most people hear the word ?High Blood Pressure?, they automatically associate it with elderly people. However, that?s not the case. Any person, at any age can have High Blood pressure.

As a matter of fact, the American Heart Association states that nearly one out of three people have blood pressure problems. Nearly one-third of those people don?t even know they have problems with their blood pressure.

Today many people take medications to lower or fix their blood pressure problems. However, what we heard from our grandmothers or parents about herbs that can lower blood pressure was something that most doctors would turn their nose up at. That?s not the case anymore, as most doctors now recommend those same herbs.

Here are some natural ingredients and herbs that could lower your blood pressure.

1. Garlic- I know, I know, you thought it was just for pizza and fighting vampires. Well, this one stinky herb not only allows your breath to smell bad, it also breaks up toxins that can lead to high blood pressure. Garlic also reduces the chances of clotting with in the blood vessels; it also keeps blood platelets from sticking to the blood vessel walls. 2 Vitamin C- Growing up we heard that we need to drink our orange juice to get our vitamin c so we won?t get sick. That turned out to be true, (see, our parents did know what they were talking about)

Researchers found out that if a person can take in its recommended dosage of the vitamin c, then it can greatly reduce the risk of their getting hypertension aka high blood pressure.

3.Dandelion- Who would have ever thought a weed could help you get healthy. Well there is at least one, the dandelion roots and leaves can be used to make tea which can act as a mild diuretic.

These are just a few herbs that can help lower a person?s blood pressure. Know this, using herbs alone should not be the only way a person should attack this situation. Always check with your physician to see if medication is required and that the herbs you use will not conflict with your blood pressure medication.

And for gosh sakes don't forget to exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes every day. A brisk walk can work wonders for your mind, body and spirit.

If a you will combine the things mentioned in this article to your everyday life, you will have a much better chance at defeating high blood pressure. Giving you the freedom to concentrate on your loved ones and friends.

Republished with author's permission.