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Published: 29-Oct-12
Herbal Remedies - Menopause Symptoms - Buy Over The Counter
Several herbal remedies menopause symptoms respond to and get alleviated by have been used by the Chinese for centuries. Menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, vaginal dryness, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings, headaches and possibly decreased sex drive. Now, listen, every woman is different and every woman may not experience all of these symptoms all at once.

Some symptoms may be more prevalent than others, my personal experience has been mostly having hot flashes and feeling nauseous. The occasional night or two of insomnia and night sweats and anxiety with the unbelievable number of hot flashes I was having.

Not to scare anyone but when the hot flashes started for me they came every twenty minutes and didn't let up for months, maybe even the better part of a year. Now I just have several a day and pretty much have gotten used to them. They still are a bother but not nearly as bad and my mood is much better even when I do have one.

Most herbal remedies menopause can be bought over the counter and you may have to try several before you find one that works for you. The ingredients come in different combinations and strengths so finding the right combination may take a while. So try to deal with the symptoms the best you can until you find the right one.

Black Cohosh is the main ingredient in all menopause herbal remedies and is an effective treatment for hot flashes, insomnia and increased anxiety. If you take this on it's own though it may not work for you. Keep trying.

Red clover is used in combinations with Black Cohosh and contains phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens. Plant estrogens work like estrogen found in a woman's body and are taken to regulate that specific hormone. Red clover may also help alleviate hot flashes.

Dong Quai has been found effective as a treatment for night sweats and anxiety related to menopause.

Ginseng Root is used for a variety of reasons but in the treatment of menopausal symptoms you may find it useful for relieving headaches and aiding in sleep.

Agnus Castus, also referred to as Chaste Berry, assists the pituitary gland in balancing the hormones of your body.

St. John's Wort has antidepressant qualities and can help regulate your mood swings. Trust me on this one, everyone in your family will be glad for this herbal remedy! Menopause is not only difficult for you to handle but you need to understand it is just as hard on the people who are important to you. Mood swings can be kinda scary sometimes and your family may just run away screaming.

I, for one, can tell you that menopause is no picnic and the sooner it is over the better, although, symptoms may last up to ten years. I am not kidding. Ten years! I figure I have got four down and six to go. I have used most of these herbal remedies menopause and I am still looking for the combination that will work for me to relieve my symptoms.

Republished with author's permission.