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Published: 29-Oct-12
Female Hair Loss Prevention - Stop The PonyTail
Your grandma lost her hair, your mom started to lose her hair right around the age you are now and you do not want it to happen to you. Luckily, you haven't seen any signs yet and now you are seriously considering finding information about female hair loss prevention. Probably a smart move on your part and if you are not seeing any signs yet you may not be too late. If previous female family members have lost their hair, this condition is known as female pattern baldness.

Let me caution you though, before you start spending all kinds of money on treatments you may not even need, ask you doctor to do some blood work to check for iron deficiency anemia, electrolyte imbalances, thyroid dysfunction or iodine deficiency, or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Any one of these can cause your hair to thin and fall out. Getting these seemingly small things checked, addressed and treated, if need be, at least yearly can put your mind at ease and help you hang on to that full head of hair.

Another female hair loss prevention idea is to minimize pulling your hair back into a ponytail. Go get a nice shorter style so you won't be basically what amounts to pulling your hair out by the root every time you pull out the pony tail holder, or at the very least making your hair break. Sounds like a simple thing to do, right? sometimes the simplest things are the most effective in handling a problem.

The way you treat your hair is important, be gentle with it when you are in the shower and when you shampoo carefully massage your scalp with your finger tips and do not scrub hard. Scrubbing too hard can cause damage to your hair follicles and cause them to die. When a hair follicle dies no hair can grow from it. Minimize damage by being gentle when you shampoo and use a good vitamin enriched conditioner. The better conditioned your hair is the less it will break and thin.

Do not get me wrong you do not need some conditioner that costs you a week's salary. There are good ones on the shelves of your favorite store that will do the trick and keep your hair shiny, full and manageable with out a lot of breaking.

Keeping your scalp healthy is important too. The vitamins found in your shampoo and conditioner will help in this area, too. A healthy scalp means healthy hair follicles and healthy hair follicles mean a healthy, full head of hair. Some say that a good dandruff shampoo can help keep your scalp healthy, too. So if you noticed your scalp is itching and you start to see some dandruff, or even if you don't see any. Use some dandruff shampoo to keep your scalp healthy.

Use these tips and ideas to help you with your female hair loss prevention and to minimize your hair loss from female pattern baldness. You can maintain your beautiful, healthy hair for a long time to come.

Republished with author's permission.