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Published: 29-Oct-12
Buzzing Sound In The Ear - Finding Relief
Buzzing sounds in the ear can be very frustrating and annoying. It can be caused by a number of things and has the power to affect every part of your life. There are a number of things that can be done to assist in dealing with having a constant buzzing sound in the ear.


Buzzing sounds in the ear are more commonly known as tinnitus. It can be present some of the time or all of the time and has varying degrees of severity. It can also come in a variety of forms such as buzzing, ringing or roaring. Tinnitus can be permanent or temporary and may be insignificant of other conditions or it could be a symptom in an underlying medical concern. A buzzing sound in the ear should be investigated to rule out any other issues.

Causes of Buzzing Sounds in the Ear

Buzzing sounds in the ear can occur after being exposed to loud noises, where loud noises refers to noises above a safe hearing level (above about 85 decibels). They can also occur with an earache or ear infection. As long as no permanent damage is done to the ear during these episodes, the buzzing sounds in the ears may be temporary. Buzzing sounds in the ear may also be a symptom of an underlying condition, such as migraine or Labrynthitis. It can be present in those with a head injury or Meniere?s disease. Buzzing sound in the ear can also be present in noise induced hearing loss or could be caused by certain medications.


Treating buzzing sounds in the ear can be as simple as avoiding triggers or as complicated as using hearing aids or machines designed to mask the noise the buzzing makes. Many people find that listening to music or even opening a door or window to let more natural noise in is enough to mask the sound the tinnitus makes. Buzzing sounds in the ear can be treated with alternative therapies such as taking zinc or other vitamin supplements (vitamin B12, thiamin, magnesium and ginkgo biloba have been suggested as being helpful). Avoiding caffeine, sugar and alcohol may also assist in reducing the severity of the buzzing sound in the ears.

Wearing ear muffs or ear plugs in a noisy environment is likely to assist as well as breathing exercises, attempting cognitive behavior therapy (counseling) and avoiding loud noises. Many sufferers of buzzing sounds in the ear have found that it is worse during times of stress, so finding ways to manage your stress is likely to help in minimizing the problem. Other treatments that have been helpful are acupuncture, tai chi and ayurvedic medicine. Relaxation, antidepressants and steroids have assisted people in managing their symptoms.

Buzzing sounds in the ear can interrupt and affect every area of the sufferer?s life. It can hinder sleep patterns being consistent and therefore cause tiredness and fatigue. However, it can be controlled. It can become just another part of life that has little or no impact on your life. Find ways to control the buzzing sound in your ears so that it doesn?t control you. Try a number of treatments to work out which one works best for your situation and then use it consistently.

Republished with author's permission.